Great work David and Eddy. The succession struggle in the Murdoch business is underreported but so important for our media landscape.

On Clare O’Neill, what was chilling last year was her rhetoric that if it were up to her, none of the people in indefinite detention would ever be released. What ever happened to due process? She threatens us all. This was a dangerous minister and she should not be in cabinet. Home Affairs should be abolished as it concentrates too many discretionary powers in one minister.

NACC is a failure and not worth the paper it is written on. But it has succeeded for Labor and Liberal by obfuscating the visibility of investigations in a major way. Only the Government appointed commissioner will ever announce publicly who they are investigating, and within their own discretion!

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Thanks as always for your comment John.

I’d missed or forgotten that comment by Clare O’Neil. Doesn’t change my opinion - in fact enforces it - that she’s best out of that portfolio

And yes the Murdoch saga is not going to get less messy.


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