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Another interesting episode Eddy and David.

I think with regards to the environment, the effort to immediately compromise on legislation is embarrassing for a Government that touts the need for a majority. It is not unlike how the ALP caved this year to carve out the big pickup trucks from fuel efficiency standards without a fight, when those very vehicles are emitting the most carbon.

The lack of willingness by the Govt to properly address the housing crisis (Federation issues aside) speaks to how the number of property holders in parliament is in far greater proportion to the actual number of people who own homes. Chandler-Mather as a first term MP has spoken passionately and proposed considered ideas while the ALP nods along and say they are ‘concerned’ when they and the LNP have vested interests in maintaining the status quo.

It is good to see more people become interested in running for politics. We need less of the student politicians to staffers to MP pipeline and a wide range of opinions to reflect the diversity of opinion. Single member electorates and preferential voting have disguised this diversity well by making a two party system. Independents and the Greens have done well to win lower House seats. But until we have proportional representation or a minority government, we will not have serious discussion of the issues in Parliament.

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