Jun 7Liked by New Politics

Great episode David and Eddy.

The MSM’s attempt to court their darling Josh, a senior ex minister who lost a safe seat, as the ‘safe pair of hands’ shows how disconnected they are with the politics of Victoria. The Liberals lost heavily in Melbourne and it seems quite a long ways back.

The lavish expenses on a speechwriter for a non-senior minister like Shorten shows worrying lack of concern for public perceptions. Wish we had the benefit of 300k from the federal government!

Your point about NACC not pursuing further accountability for the robodebt shows it is working exactly as ALP and LNP intended. Anything too embarrassing held behind closed doors so we won’t ever find out the involvement of senior ministers and bureaucrats.

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Thanks for your comments John. I think the ALP and the Liberals are in a crisis of identity that’s leading to a crisis of confidence. Hence the braver decisions are ignored and weaker easier decisions (which of course aren’t easier in the long run) get made. And they drop in popularity. So they make easier decisions. And the cycle continues. DL

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