Another good read. The issue for me is that while the ALP administrate government more effectively than the LNP, they are just poor at politics. The low hanging fruit of capping HECS CPI at 1% or the Attorney General dropping charges against whistleblowers, these are things within executive government control and they still don’t do it because the ALP talks a good game in opposition but when they get the reins of power they realise student loans make them a neat source of income (forget multinationals) and that they have a lust for secrecy lest something inconvenient come out. While one accepts that some things are beyond Government's control, the Government's boasts of a surplus while scattering crumbs for its electoral base suggests that demographics such as young people really don't matter.

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That's a great article, thanks. I'd appreciate your thoughts on the populist label. It's gained real traction in the last decade and yet it seems to me that it's a word that really just describes the behaviour of any opposition government regardless of their internal policy position.

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